Hindu man arrested, family under house arrest for “blasphemous” post in Bhola, Banglades
Hindu man arrested, family under house arrest for “blasphemous” post in Bhola, Banglades https://hindupost.in/?mailpoet _router&endpoint=track&acti on=click&data=WzQxODgsI nczbHhlN25xbDQwa3dnMD h3MDQ4c2tvZ284OG93Z28 4IiwiMjEzNCIsIjgyNDU4O DEyMmZlYSIsZmFsc2Vd…
Bengal police flags images of attack on Bangladesh Hindu temple as ‘violation of Indian law’
Bengal police flags images of attack on Bangladesh Hindu temple as ‘violation of Indian law’ https://hindupost.in/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WzQxODgsInczbHhlN25 xbDQwa3dnMDh3MDQ4c2tvZ284OG93Z284IiwiMjI5OSIsIjQ2MjJhYjRjYTQ2OCIsZmFsc2Vd HINDU POST, Saturday,…
Bangladesh: One Iskcon devotee allegedly killed as mob vandalises temple amidst continuing protests
Bangladesh: One Iskcon devotee allegedly killed as mob vandalises temple amidst continuing protests Scroll.in https://web.archive.org/web/2 0211020191656/https://scroll .in/latest/1007836/bangladesh -iskcon-temple-vandalisedone-member-allegedly-killedby-mob-as-protests-continue Wednesday, October…
Attacks on non-Islamic institutions in Bangladesh continue, Hindu Federation terms it heinous
THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS Monday, October, 25, 2021 https://web.archive.org/web/20211025181746/https://www.newindianexpress.com/world/2021/oct/25/ attacks-on-non-islamic-institutions-in-bangladesh-continue-hindu-federation-terms-itheinous2375519.html Attacks on non-Islamic institutions in Bangladesh continue, Hindu Federation terms…
Intolerance and the search for identity: A history of communal tensions in Bangladesh
Intolerance and the search for identity: A history of communal tensions in Bangladesh https://thedailyguardian.com/intolerance-and-the-search-for-identity-ahistory-of-communal-tensions-in-bangladesh/ November 27, 2021, By Chandril Chattopadhyay…
The cries of Hindus of Bangladesh
The cries of Hindus of Bangladesh Scores of amateur videos recorded on smartphones were uploaded on Facebook, where cries of…
Police detain 9 over attacks on puja venues, Hindu homes in Cox’s Bazar
Police detain 9 over attacks on puja venues, Hindu homes in Cox’s Bazar https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbdnews24.c om%2Fbangladesh%2F2021%2F10%2F14%2Fpolice-detain- 9-over-attacks-on-puja-venues-hindu-homes-in-coxs- bazar%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2urMstIyxrD52ZdFo9xnVThP3qGc LLi1jbMP4wA6ZCk7vRNwfI__DWjrA&h=AT2lo_cHzRmuT xCQr4Qot82- 2SOj2211IirwVlVmop_w2ApBQ0qpg5yZcOca3HcQuQGlmC…
When fear is all they feel Zealots unleash hell on Pirganj Hindus, vandalise 70 houses, burn down 25 of them, loot valuables
When fear is all they feel Zealots unleash hell on Pirganj Hindus, vandalise 70 houses, burn down 25 of…
Bangladesh’s religious minorities are under attack, The prime minister blames India’s Muslim- bashing for Hindu-bashing in her own country
Bangladesh’s religious minorities are under attack, The prime minister blames India’s Muslim- bashing for Hindu-bashing in her own country Nov…